David Frosdick
I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.
Publish Date
Dec 23, 2021
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It’s been a while since I posted any updates over on my blog and YouTube so I thought it was time to run a live stream of me building a site in OptimizePress.
I recently watched the lead designer over at ConvertKit, running a live stream on Twitch which gave me kick up the backside to get blogging, vlogging and publish content again.
There’s nothing fancy in this post. Just me doing what I do.
This post includes 2 videos, each about 1 hour long and if you choose to follow it all the way through you’ll get to see how I build pages in OptimizePress
Part 1
In the first part we look at the top hero section down to the creators tab section.

Part 2
In part 2 we finish the page with some more complex layout areas a testimonial row and final call to action at the bottom.

If you watched these all the way through, thank you!
And, if you have any other pages or sites you would like to see me build, drop me a message and I’ll add it to my list.
Written by
David Frosdick
I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.