David Frosdick
I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.
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Dec 10, 2012
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Video Marketing
If you sell any kind of product online or own a retail shop, then chances are that people who search for your products may also be searching for similar products or reviews on YouTube.
Every business should have a YouTube Channel. No matter what you do or what market you are in, there’s a way you can use video in your marketing plan, either for promotion or information purpose.
If you look at the latest YouTube Stats you can see why you should be using video.
Over 4 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube
You may not see immediate results when you start making videos and uploading them… don’t worry. Film the video once and it will be online forever! Then keep filming newer content, reviews, interviews and watch your audience grow!
Try making some videos like interviewing an expert or local business owner in your niche and maybe one of your videos will be watched by 1 of the 800 million unique users that visit YouTube each month!
Some Ideas For Using Video
Filming customer testimonials or mini adverts will apply to any business that deals with customers face to face on a daily basis.
Own a Cafe or Restaurant?
- Grab some testimonials from happy customers
- Film a Chef cooking a dish from start to finish
- Film staff making a quality cup of coffee
- Film your local area and make a mini advert
Own a Salon?
- Video a stylist doing one of these amazing hair styles
- Start a “Style of the week” video blog
- Customer testimonials
- Film any other styling tips
Own a Garage?
- Film some mechanic tips
- Car maintenance videos
- Car sale of the week
Are you an Accountant?
- Video yourself explaining business startup advice
- Video explaining the latest law changes (EG HMRC Real Time Information)
- Weekly video explaining any tax news in laymen terms
Estate Agent
- Weekly showcase of top properties in your area
- Buying tips
- Selling tips
The list is endless…. I hope you can see how any business can use video if they really think about it.
Advantages Of YouTube
- Potential to reach a huge audience
- Reach local and targeted audiences
- Film it once and use it multiple times (great for product reviews)
- Built in video editor
- Built in tools to improve video quality
- Get HD quality with simple settings
When making video for YouTube, I always try and record in HD or upload the HD version of my video.
If you have lots of video to upload and don’t want to annoy your current subscribers then turn off the notify settings as shown in the video below:
Do I Need Expensive Video Equipment?
You don’t need expensive video gear to get started.
One of the great things about producing videos is the never ending tools, software and gadgets you can buy. This is something you can do later if video production if something you want to get into.
However to get started all you need is an iPhone or another Smart phone which records in HD format. You can use YouTube’s video editor which includes transitions and music to produce a nice simple movie. Most people now own a smart phone or know someone who does. The key is to get started with video and learn as you go. Your fist attempt doesn’t need to be professional quality. The more videos you produce, the better they will get as you learn.
A couple of tips to help you get started.
- If filming inside make sure you have good lighting (lots of daylight)
- Keep the camera still when recording
- Keep your videos clips short when starting out (2-3 mins max)
- Allow a few seconds pause at the start and end of each clip
Be Creative
If you can think of creative ways to use video in your business you are more likely to see a better response from your audience/customers.
If you make a video for your business and put it online please send me a link. If you own a small business local to me and you are looking for some help with videos then drop me an email.
Can’t think of a way to use video in your business?
Please comment below with any questions and I will help you out.
I'm David Frosdick a content marketer & course creator. I spend my days working with OptimizePress, coaching clients, producing online courses, digital products and generally seeing what's working online with marketing. Thanks for visiting my blog and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Written by
David Frosdick
I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.