5GB free storage backup your WordPress site

Publish Date
Nov 28, 2012
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When you backup your WordPress site files you can now store them online in a Google Drive account. No excuse for losing data. I backup my sites each week and now I can store all the files in my Google Drive account and synch the Drive across multiple computers.
Google Drive gives you 5GB of FREE storage. See the video explaining what Google Drive is.
I run a backup program on each of my sites which produces a small file I can download. I then store those files in my Drive online and Amazon S3 account.
Go and setup a free Drive acocunt here: Google Drive and start backing up your important files, family photos, PDF’s and other files of importance.
Don’t wait another day to make a backup of your files. Get in the habit of making backups regularly especially of family photos.
I'm David Frosdick a content marketer & course creator. I spend my days working with OptimizePress, coaching clients, producing online courses, digital products and generally seeing what's working online with marketing. Thanks for visiting my blog and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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David Frosdick

I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.