David Frosdick
I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.
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Publish Date
Oct 22, 2009
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Do you have a website online but haven’t done anything with it?
Do you have a blog which is stale and not going far?
Do you have a static site but afraid of the costs to getting the site going again?
Well this course is NOT for you!
because you probably got lazy or made up some excuse as to why you didn’t push your site further.
This course if for blog/site owners who have a drive and enthusiasm to push their sites to another level. This video course covers free and ethical marketing tricks which you can implement today. If you have a blog and you are ready to move forward then this marketing course will help definitely help you.
I’ve put together a small presentation which is broken into 10 parts. I broke the course up as I didn’t want to overload you with information.
Calling All Business Owners
If you have any small retail business these marketing methods WORK!
- Cafe/Pub/Restaurant Owners
- Craft shops
- Electronics shop
- Lawyers
- Solicitors
- Hairdresser
- Flower shop
- any small business…
You can start the course and each day you can try out the steps I teach. After speaking with friends they strongly advised me to sell the course. I’ve learned these tricks from my running my own blog and wanted to hopefully spark some other people into doing the same.
To track the the results of the course you will probably want to have either Google Analytics or Google Webmaster Tools installed on your site.
Win My Time
As a little bonus I have offered a chance to WIN a FREE 1hr consultation with me. Where we can chat over Skype when it suits you and discuss some ideas about your business and how you can use the techniques in the course.
All you have to do is the course, there’s a link below each video so click it and retweet!!
You will be sent your first part of course today!
What you will learn
The course covers the following topics:
- Blogging
- Lead Capture
- Social Bookmarking
- Basic SEO
- RSS Feeds
- Video Marketing
- Continuity Models
- Free (Freemium)
- Value for money
This course has now been revamped. You can watch the updated version here.
I'm David Frosdick a content marketer & course creator. I spend my days working with OptimizePress, coaching clients, producing online courses, digital products and generally seeing what's working online with marketing. Thanks for visiting my blog and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Written by
David Frosdick
I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.